In the browser, the library will be available under reactJsonForm variable.

Creating the form #

Use the reactJsonForm.createForm() function to create the form from your schema.

You'll also need to have a textarea where the form will save the data.

<div id="formContainer">
<!-- The form will be displayed here -->

<textarea id="formData">
<!-- The form data will be kept in this textarea -->

<script type="text/javascript">
var form = reactJsonForm.createForm({
containerId: 'formContainer',
dataInputId: 'formData',
schema: {
type: 'object',
keys: {
name: {type: 'string'},
age: {type: 'integer'},


Handling events #

form.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
// ...

See addEventListener() section for further details about handling events.

Data validation #

New in version 2.1

The form component provides basic data validation.

Usage example:

var validation = form.validate();

var isValid = validation.isValid; // it will be false if data is not valid

var errorMap = validation.errorMap; // object containing error messages

if (!isValid) {
// notify user
alert('Please correct the errors');

// update the form component
// it will display error messages below each input
form.update({errorMap: errorMap});

You can adopt the above code example to validate the data before a form is submitted.

You can also implement custom validation instead of calling .validate(). In that case, you'll have to manually create an errorMap object for displaying error messages.

API reference #

Library functions #

reactJsonForm.createForm(config) #

Function used for creating the form UI. The config parameter is an object which may contain these keys:

  • containerId: The HTML ID of the element in which the form should be rendered.
  • dataInputId: The HTML ID of the textarea element in which the form data should be kept.
  • schema: The schema of the form.
  • data (Optional): The initial data of the form.
  • fileHandler (Optional): URL for the common file handler endpoint for all file fields.
  • fileHandlerArgs (Optional): Key-value pairs which will be sent via querystring to the fileHandler URL.
  • errorMap (Optional): An object containing error messages for fields.
  • readonly (Optional): A boolean. If true, the whole form will be read-only.

Changed in version 2.1: errorMap option was added.
Changed in version 2.2: fileHandlerArgs option was added.
Changed in version 2.10: readonly option was added.

reactJsonForm.getFormInstance(containerId) #

Call this function to get a previously created form instance.

If you've earlier created an instance in a scoped function, then to get the form instance in another scope, this function can be helpful.

This helps you avoid keeping track of the form instances yourself.

var form = reactJsonForm.getFormInstance('formContainer');

Form instance #

The following methods, attributes & events are available on a form instance.

Methods #

formInstance.addEventListener(event, callback) #

Register a callback for a given event (see available events).

formInstance.render() #

Function to render the form.

formInstance.update(config) #

Re-render the form with the given config.

formInstance.validate() #

New in version 2.1

Validates the current data against the instance's schema.

Returns a validation object with following keys:

  • isValid: It will be true if data is valid, else false.
  • errorMap: An object containing field names and validation errors.
formInstance.getData() #

New in version 2.1

Returns the current data of the form instance.

formInstance.getSchema() #

New in version 2.1

Returns the current schema of the form instance.

Events #

Following is the list of currently available events:

change #

This event is fired for every change in the form's data.

The callback for this event will be passed an Object with the following keys:

  • data: Current data of the form.
  • prevData: Previous data of the form (before the event).
  • schema: Current schema of the form.
  • prevSchema: Previous schema of the form (before the event).


var form = reactjsonform.createform(...);

form.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
var data =;
var prevData: e.prevData;
var schema: e.schema;
var prevSchema: e.prevSchema;

// do something ...


If you want to call the update() method from the change event listener, you must call it conditionally or else it might cause an infite loop.

For example, only call the update() after checking that the current data and prevData are not same.